Things are clearly a bit slow (or depressing, or both) over in the creative department at Tribal DDB New York. Slow enough that they had the time to create the Wheel of Concept, Digital Edition. Take a spin by clicking here.

Funny it is, but as is so often the case with inside humour, there is uncomfortable truth at the core. Here are the truths that make this ironically hilarious:

  • Social & digital have been the shiny red ball in the client’s eyes for some time now, whether they really understand what the technology can bring to their marketing or not.
  • A minority of marketers really understand how social/digital fits in the ideal marketing mix for their business.
  • 60% of North American marketers are currently going to social media specialists to learn how social media can help them, and are oddly reassured when they are pitched as much social media as they can possibly source from the marketing budget, no matter how—or if—social media fits in their consumers’ purchase decision process.
  • Quality integrated marketing agencies like Tribal DDB know all of the above, and yet even they have to struggle with giving their clients what they want, or giving them what they need in the social/digital area. For some brands and situations, want and need are not the same thing.
  • The Wheel of Concept wouldn’t work (or be funny) in a “non-digital version”.

This wicked little gag took some deep technical talent too—notice that if you enter a brand name that isn’t widely known, the Wheel of Concept goes out and finds it for you with unnerving speed.

Notes and references:

  1. Hand-face image by Funatico